
May 12, 2011

My LO using Sketch #9

Hello my friends. Today I have a LO to share with you that I created using Sketch #9. It seems I have fallen behind but I will catch up. LOL!

I used the Brook collection from Crate Paper, I LOVE this collection. The colors are beautiful!!

I had altered the picture of my daughter in the program called Lo-Fi that Julie from Life with the Tucker and Wolek clan had introduced me to. I wanted to create a LO and use bright and colorful papers but it just didn't look right. So I decided that the Brook collection would be perfect.

The title "Chell-Bell" is another nick-name we have for her. A while back my sweet ISABEL, told everyone to call her "Chelli" because we would call her Isabeli-chelli. It was so cute, I called her pumpkin and she said "No ma, Chelli". So now her name is Chell-Bell. LOL!! Anywho that is where that came from.

I will be back later with Sketch #12. I have had a blast with the 14 Days of Sketches. I have gotten a lot of pages created but unfortunately I still have a ton of pictures still to scrap. I am so happy at the amount of entries I have had. I LOVE it!!

I still have a couple of May kits left, if you would like to purchase one or sign up for a subscription please click here.

Happy Crafting!!


  1. That Julie is such a bad influence!!! (love ya Julie!!!!) LOL.....she has me using that too :) I'm wayyyyy behind but hope to get caught up tonight and tomorrow!!!

  2. Great layout, I love how you layered the circle shapes at the top.

  3. Thanks for sharing your sweet story about your dd's nickname. She is quite fancy in this pic and needs fancy Brook papers to match her :)


Kind words to put a smile on my face! :-)