
June 6, 2012

Life Is Good

Happy Wednesday my friends!!! So excited the week is half over. My public speaking class officially started yesterday and I have never felt more out of place as I do in this class. I am probably the oldest person in the class. It is an online class and we are all asked to "chat" in an online forum to get to know each other. All the young 20-somethings don't want to chat with an old lady with 4 kids. LOL!!  Oh well, maybe that will make it easier to do the class.  All I know is I just want the next 7 weeks to fly by, I wish I could just blink and it all be over. 

 I am super excited today to share with you our Delightful Designer, Erin's first projects with our team.  Erin used our June card kit (which is now sold out) and she also used this month's card sketch to create the card.  :-)  


Erin has created some awesome projects for her debut.  :-)  She is also having a giveaway on her blog.  YIPPEE!!!  You know how much I love giveaways.  So head on over and leave her a comment. 

Alright well that's it for today.  I hope you enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by!!  :-)


  1. I loveeeeeeeee Erin's projects!! HOW FUN!!!! And you never know -- those 20-something's might be thinking you are pretty cool...stay positive girl... I know you will ROCK that class!!!!

  2. So glad to join the fun, can't wait to share more fun projects.

  3. aww these are fun projects...thanks for sharing..

  4. Yay so happy for Erin! Love her projects! I must ask where did you find this online class? :> It would be great for my hubby!

  5. Super fun projects! Loving it! :)

  6. Don't wish the time away as it already goes by to fast. You'll do fine in the class. Love Erin's projects especially the wine tag!

  7. Fantastic projects Erin, so glad to be working with you on this team.


Kind words to put a smile on my face! :-)