Is that even close to being a word? Probably not, LOL! Well either way I have another fabulous LO to share with you from Jamie. She really knows how to rock out the September Monthly kit. I think she managed to use one of everything in the kit in this LO! See here is the best thing about being a subscriber of our monthly kit, starting in November if you are a subscriber you will be able to help chose the kits. If there is some product you are dying to get your hands on, we can make a kit out of it. There will still only be one kit a month but I will accept and try to accommodate any and all product selections.
Basically if an upcoming months kit items have not been decided (purchased)yet then we will make the kit with what you want in it. With so many products out there I want to make sure you, as a subscriber, are happy with your monthly purchase.
Ok, on to the LO.....

Seriously, I love it!! Can you see the little apple chipboard in the bottom corner? I thought those were such a cute addition to the kit. I really think Jamie did a great job finding these items.
Happy Crafting!!
Ohhhhhh this is ADORABLE!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the little apple! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I do love this!
She did a great job! Fabulous layout.
That is so cute, love the title!
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