**disclaimer, this is a long post - you might want to grab a cup of coffee, tea, or an alcoholic beverage whichever you fancy**
Happy Friday! Man yesterday was quite a day! I was so happy for it to be over. My lil guy is doing well, he was laughing and playing and having a good time. He was certainly wanting mama a little more (which I did enjoy but not under the circumstances). But he will heal just fine and I will not expect that to be the last visit to the Urgent Care or an ER for that matter. LOL!Today do I have some great projects to share with you. I have 3 cards that Julie created for us and a mini album that I created a couple days ago and just haven't had a chance to take pictures. So first up are 3 FABULOUS cards that Julie created.

Ok so now for my mini album I created. I am participating in a Valentine swap on the Sketches4all forum and this is what I made for my swap buddy. Now I am about 99.99999999% certain she doesn't come on my blog so I don't think I will ruin the surprise. I got most of the inspiration for this mini from kwernerdesign.com. She made a mini a few weeks back using a mini album kit being sold at Basicgrey.com. For my mini, I used different paper and the chipboard album I bought at Michaels for $1 a while back. The collection I used is from Echo Park, Life is Good collection. I LOVE that collection. I used a lot of the papers in this album so I may need to buy another collection pack. LOL!

In my opinion it is a wee bit hard making a mini album for someone else because scrapbooking is personal. Each page is special to the person creating it, each album is put together just so. But I thought if I left enough on each page for the pictures and additional embellishments and to allow my swap buddy to personalize it.
Oh and now for my blog award, my FIRST blog award.....I am so excited. I received it from Lisa E at Lisa E Design Blog. I received the Stylish Blog Award! Yippee!!!!

So I am asked to tell you 7 things about me so here it goes:
- I am left handed
- I LOVE sunflowers
- I got to travel to Greece when I was 10, went with my step-mom. We stayed for the whole summer and I LOVED it. I remember so much about it, would love to return now that I am older. :-)
- I hate doing laundry, heck I hate cleaning.......I rarely do it, seriously my house gets the bare minimum of attention. LOL! With 4 kids I would like to ask "what's the point" LOL! I mean don't get me wrong we are not "dirty" people, we are "messy" people. There is a distinct difference. :-)
- I cannot wait to move back to my home state, Illinois.
- I call all my kids by a nickname - My oldest daughter, Nicki aka Boo; Lil Tony (3 1/2) aka Bubby; Isabel (2 1/2) aka Chelli; Max (14 months) aka Pooty - ok so I must explain I think, lol. When my oldest was about 5, I heard someone call their grandson boo and and for some reason called my daughter that one day and it stuck. Lil Tony went through a few nicknames when he was born, first was Jr (daddy is also Tony), then he was Jr Bug and somehow one day Bubby came about and has stuck. Now Isabel was originally Pumpkin, with an occasional Isabelli Chelli. Then one day out of the blue I called her Pumpkin and she corrected me "no ma Chelli" so now she is called Chelli and will correct anyone that calls her any different. LOL! Now Max, LOL he was called Max-i-poo for some strange reason then it evolved to Max-i-pooty-poo (LOL) then it just stopped at being Pooty. LOL! Ok it just cracks me up when I think of how it all came about, but I love it and so do the kids. Heck, my daughter is 13 and still loves being called Boo. :-) (wow that was a long one)
- Finally, Tony and I aren't "legally" married. We have been together for just over 5 years. He hasn't proposed yet because we just can't afford a ring right now and he refuses to propose without one. LOL! We love each other and will be together forever, right now that is enough for me. So occasionally I may call him my husband or my boyfriend it just depends on my mood. :-)
Well that is all for today, finally, right?
Happy Crafting!!
I love love love love your mini!!! Sooooooooooo fun!! And loveeeeeeeeee reading the stuff about you... funny... I have nicknames for my kids too...the 14 year old (he will kill me for writing this down on the internet! lol!)... is BOOGIE... or "Boog" for short... that started when he was an infant..because every time I played the "Lion King" for him...he would start kicking his legs like he was dancing!! LOL!! So he became Boogie...and now I am lazy and call him BOOG! LOL! LOL! LOL!... Brookie.. is "Brooke-Tini," "Tini," or just "Teen"....that comes from when she was born, me and hubby were addicted to Hulk Hogan's reality show "Hogan knows Best"....and his daughters name is ALSO BROOKE...and he calls her "Brooke-Tini"...so it stuck for our Brookie!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Great getting to know you a bit better, your mini album is a great idea.
How crap I LOVEEEEE that Echo Park mini!!!!! And Julie always rocks!!! (but don't tell her) Sounds like you and I lived the same day yesterday......Im hiding this weekend....how bout you? LOL
Your mini album is beautiful - I love the "stitching" around each page. You kids nicknames are so much more imaginative than mine. If I shorten their names it's usually to their initials.
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