But since I am in full pack mode now, I need to organize, consolidate, and reduce my craft stuff. I have a ton of "extra" stuff from past kits. I also found a box or two filled with partially used 6x6 pads, collection packs and other goodies.
So let's get rid of some of this stuff. I have another random box of goodies to get rid of.
Ya know I was completing my daughter's registration paper work for school and it asked me to list ALL her previous schools she attended. WOW what a task. I never realized how many times we have moved over the years until I had to write it down. She is in 9th grade and just going back to about 4th or 5th grade I think I had 6 schools listed for her and I know there is at least 3-4 more schools going back to kindergarten. I am so ready to settle down. LOL!!
So with that said, leave me a comment and let me know how many times you have moved over the years - go back say 15 years and see if you can count how many times you moved. LOL!! It is not required to answer this question to be entered for the giveaway, just trying to make this fun. You can just leave me a comment and say "hi" too. :-)
Well I am off to get ready for work, then a little shopping at Costco, home to play with my kids and a yummy homemade pizza dinner and some family time. :-) I am expecting it to be a good day. :-)
If you get a chance, play along with this month's sketch challenge. Upload your project in the sidebar for your chance to win our May scrapbook kit. You have until April 23rd to enter. :-)
Oh and the giveaway will end Monday night at midnight EST.

Oh, what a nice news! I hope you will like your new place and new home!! Good luck!
I have been moving three times in a whole my life, and I think it is enough for me because I hate to pack the things and re-pack them later. I dislike to live on boxes and bags ...
Thanks for giveaway. I hope I have a chance to win anything)) I am mad about cardmaking and scrapbooking but it is impossible to get any stuff where I live... So- I have the onliest chance - to win some in candies... And I try again and more - but I am never lucky... the winners are always the ones who have the craft-rooms fulfil with everything...
Hugs. Hlora. xx
Wonderful news about the job prospect!!! Michaels would be such a good place to work at, i imagine. :) I would love to help you in your packing endeavour and rid yourself of some scrapbooking stuff and win your box of goodies - hehehe
Hello Leeanne! It has been too long since I've visited last! Ahhhhh is all I can say about packing/moving! I've moved far too many times in my life to count, but thankfully my husband and I settled down into this house and haven't moved since we bought it 5 years ago...YAY! My oldest daughter lived in several houses before she was two so I was happy to settle once #2 came! When I was a kid, I went to a different elem school each year. I was always the new kid which was no fun but it gave me my great personality...haha! Anyway, I was looking back through your blog reading and looking at all the fabulous inspiration! The new team looks great!! Good luck with the packing....ughhh...I hate packing!
Well my gypsy days are over. I have lived in my current house 12 years and before that I lived in my previous house 11 years. But to be honest, in my younger years (say the first 6 years of marriage) I lived in 13 different places. I now hate moving :)
Thanks for the chance to win your goodies.
Let's see, in the past 15 years I moved about 6 times, and we've been where we are almost 7 years now. I hate moving so I feel your pain packing all that stuff Leeanne!
- April
Thanks for the giveaway-I still live in my home town so not many moves for me.
Thanks for the giveaway-I still live in my home town so not many moves for me.
I've got say that moving internationally twice in 12 months (with a 6 and then 18 month old) was probably not the easiest thing to do... But the third time we moved int'l (with a 3 and 5 year old) we took an extended trip before we returned to the US, and that was fun... So not all moves are bad.
Congrats on getting things done! Sounds like it's all falling into place. I've only moved 1 time in the last 15 years but when I was younger I moved about 8 times between preschool and high schoolGood luck with your interview. =)
I'm happy for you with such positive job leads! I haven't moved in the last 15 years. Thanks for the chance.
Sadly, I know exactly what you are dealing with as far as moving goes! Since my husband started his quest to become a biochem professor, from grad school until now we've moved about 8 times...not fun! thanks for the chance to win such a fun prize :) and good luck with all your moving and jobs !
We have lived in the same house for the past 16 years. I don't plan on moving soon...hate to think of packing up all the stuff we've accumulated.
What a fun question. We are military so I've moved MANY times. Over the last 15 years I've moved a whopping total of 13 times! Which includes the house we just closed on last week ;) Hopefully this is our LAST stop! Thanks for a chance to win!
HOWDY! I had to stop and count the times I have moved in my lifetime, just to see what the number was. I have moved 13 times, and since I'm almost 50 that sounds like A LOT! LOL! Thanks for the chance at some GOODIES! I wish you LOTS OF LUCK with your next move and hope it will be your last. Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim
I know how you feel. I was an air force brat and we moved everywhere. I hope you get ur transfer and a new manager job
We are getting ready to move (crossing fingers that our house sells)! In the last 15 years, I've moved 4 times... Thanks! Best of luck getting a job. I will be job hunting also...
I can't imagine moving so many times! We haven't moved in the last 18 years! I am ready for a new place though! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!
Well lets see over the past 17 years I have moved 7 times. Air Force...it has been fun but we are settled now. It almost feels weird not moving anymore. Have fun at Costco...love to go there and get there amazing pizza and hotdogs and then top it off with a fun ice cream cup....Happy Saturday..
Oh I love your giveaways and would love to win! Fingers crossed!
in the last 15 years, we have only moved once, but we are ready to do it again...just too scared too...wow you guys have moved tons...i don't know if i could handle that...hope you get settled in your new place quick and can stay there for a while! hope you have a great weekend!
I have moved 5 times in the last 15 years....2 of them were out of state...one move from Illinois to South Carolina and one move from SC to Florida. I am glad we are settled in now! Thanks for the chance to win.
Packing and unpacking are 2 of my least favourite things. I hope yours goes smoothly...
Since I relocated here to Singapore in 2005, we've moved flats a total of 3 times! And each time was a pain.
Good luck,
Jenny (Wifey Cookie)
Wow! That's a lot of packing and moving! I have only moved once...after I got married. I would hate the thought of having to pack up everything and move. But I'm just lazy like that...lol. Thanks for the chance! enjoy the pizza!
You have awesome giveaways! Thanks for a chance to win!
Hmmmmmmm.... let's see... I'm not eligible for the prize... but I wanna try this... 15 years huh??? Ok... wow... A LOT less than I thought... lol... only 4 times!!! And YAY for the job leads out here!!!!
goodness, why did you have to move so often?
In my entire life (37 years) I have moved 7 times! That's it!
Would love to get some goodies from you - your kits are so pretty!
In the last 15 years I have only moved twice! Before that we were moving every year! I sympathize with you - it's so stressful and so much hard work! The most recent move for us was the hardest - we moved from the UK to the USA! That was a toughie - although the movers were fantastic - it just took me months to find anything! Hope everything goes well and good luck with the job hunt! :-) x
I have only moved once in my life.
Moving is never fun at least to me since 2000, we have moved 3 times. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Oh goodness! I have only been married for 12 years...and we have only lived in 3 houses - and all in the same town! Guess I am pretty fortunate!
I have moved twice in the past 15 years (all within the same town). Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow! I've only moved 4 times in my whole life... but sure would love to move again in the next 3 years, into a bigger house with a basement! Best of luck on your move!
I've moved over 10 times in my life, but only twice in the last 15 years. Age is catching up with me! Hubby says if we ever leave this place- the whole thing goes on sale including furniture and clothes!
thanks for a chance to win
That's alot of packing! I have moved 6 times and that was enough for me, lol! Good luck with the jobs.
Congrats! So nice to have some great job leads! Happy Saturday to you!
Well if you asked me how many times i moved as a child that would be many times per year it seemed. I went to every high school in the city as well as surrounding towns...NOW as an adult married for 29 yrs i've moved a total of 4 times...two were when i first got married and we were renting then the next two times were within two blocks of each other..no way was i going to uproot my children throughout school years...i've been hear for about 20 yrs...not bad...tfs
Ever since I got married, I have moved once, to move into our new house! We used to stay in an old, termite infested place (but we were happy there!) and now I love my house with my little craft room (which is always a mess!) Patsy from
Hi Leeanne! I've never moved in my life except maybe when I was about one (does that count lol). I can't even imagine moving that many times. Thanks for doing such a lovely giveaway. Keep up the fabulous work =)
Hi Leeanne: Things do sound as if they are progressing for you! Congratulations on all of it. I count 6 times that I've moved since 1994, when I finished graduate school. Wow, I didn't know it had been that many times. Thanks so much for this giveaway. :-)
I'm so boring, Hmm...since I moved from my mom's home when I got married almost 13 years ago we have only moved 3x. We've lived in two apartments for the first two years and then we bought our home and have been here since! However, I would LOVE to upgrade to a larger home because we outgrew this little house a long time ago! But I'm blessed so no complaints! Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!
Hi Leanne, How exciting to be moving to a new place!! I have only moved once in the last 15 years but since I was married it has been 8 times!! I only moved once as a kid. It's a big job to move but the best part is that you are forced to get rid of things that you need to and it's so refreshing to move into a new space!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win! I finally took over my sons room since he has been away at college and have turned it into my craft space!!
I have moved about 3 times in the last 15 years. Just recently we had a small flood in our basement and I now realize just how much stuff we still had in boxes that I never missed. Guess it was time to go through the stuff and get rid of some stuff. Felt good to declutter a bit! Thanks for the chance to win!
In the last 15 years i've moved... about 14 times... sad part is about 12 of those moves were in the last 7 years.
thanks for the chance to win.
In the last 15 years we have moved 13 time! YUCK!
I have never moved before!! Thanks for the chance to win! I so love your kits. :)
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