Good Morning!! Happy Tuesday. For once I am happy the weeks are flying by, only 2 more weeks of my spring semester. WAHOOO!! I will have a 2 week break before the summer semester and I am totally excited!!
Today's post is dedicated to
Julie from Life with the Tucker and Wolek clan. If you don't already follower her, you should. Not only does she offer amazing inspiration but she is such an amazing person. Her posts put a smile on my face!! When I move to Arizona next year, I might only be an hour or so away from her and I would totally love to meet her!! (hi Julie, I know you are reading this)
Anywho if you have been following Julie and have been for awhile you will see monthly she takes pictures with her kids in honor of one of her dear friends. You can see one of her monthly posts
here and find out why she started taking these monthly photos. So when I first found Julie's blog awhile back and saw her monthly post with pictures of her and her kids I cried because it made me think about how I don't have ANY pictures (well maybe a few) with me and my kids and that made me very emotional!!
It took me this long but I finally gave in and took pictures with my kids. Not only do I have pictures to share with you but I also made a LO for
Sketchy Thursdays May Guest Design Team Challenge and you guessed it I am in the picture too. :-)
Here is the sketch

I totally flipped the sketch upside-down

And here is my take on the sketch

All of the paper is from
April's monthly kit, the Thickers and the black flower are from my stash and the butterfly is from February's monthly kit (sold out). I wasn't going to use the butterfly but I did some stitching right where the butterfly is and it got a little out of control, lol!! So that picture is me, Tony (my boyfriend), and Lil Tony. It was taken last year when we visited my family in Illinois. :-)
Now for the pictures. This first picture is me and my lil man, Max. The very few pictures I can get with him that isn't blurry because he just can't sit still, lol!

This next picture is me and my oldest, Nicki, turning 14 on April 23. My how they grow up so fast!!

Oh this picture is with my super sweet Chell-bell aka Isabel. LOL!

My lil man, Tony was being a crab and wouldn't sit with me for nothing and taking a group picture was just out of the question. LOL! Trying to get us all sitting and paying attention at the same time is going to have to wait until they get a bit older.
And this last one is with my girls. We have 3 girls(me included) and 3 boys (Tony included) in our family of 6, nice and even.
Me, Chell-Bell and Kiki-Bur (that's what her brother and sister call her, lol)

Alright so there ya have it!! I want to thank Julie for giving me that push and making me realize as she says, your kids don't care what you look like, they just know you as mom. And I don't ever want my kids to forget me and have sad feelings because they don't have pictures to remember me by. :-)
Happy Crafting!!