I really loved reading all your comments about your craft space. 30 boxes is certainly not a lot when moving a house but we are seriously getting rid of EVERYTHING!!! We really didn't have much to begin with because we have moved so much that we just got tired of buying stuff just to get rid of when we moved OR have to deal with moving.
As far as my craft stuff goes, I am trying to convince myself the LESS is MORE. I mean each month I get my choice of an Artful Delight card or scrapbook kit to play with plus any other little things I chose to pick up. I don't get much time to craft now and I am not sure how much that will change when we move, I will just exchange school with work and probably be just as busy as I am now. Although I think half the reason I don't craft as much now is I just don't have the space. My craft area is my kitchen/dining room table and stuff is all over the place. In order to craft I would have to spend 30+ minutes just cleaning space, then another 15-30 minutes searching through all my stuff to find what I want to use to craft. Just seems like a lot of work. BUT maybe once we move and I have a dedicated space to craft, all my stuff organized then I won't feel so overwhelmed. I would still like to limit my paper crafting purchases to a min, other than buying "tools"(you can never have enough of those), ya know punches, dies, embossing folders, etc.....I want to keep the actual paper and embellishments to a minimum. Let's see how that goes. LOL!!!
It is almost the end of another month and I just can't believe it. I have a few more projects to share with you that our Delightful Designers created using our March kit. Today's project was created by June using our (sold out) March card kit.
Love that pinwheel. Super sweet card!! Well I am also excited, I finally get to (officially) meet June tomorrow. We only live about 40 minutes from each other but have never met. I offered to help her move so me and my kids will be heading out to her house tomorrow. SUPER excited.
Well that's all for today. If you haven't entered my giveaway, be sure to get in on the action, the giveaway will close tomorrow at noon. Click here to enter. (not sure if the link will work, it doesn't look like Blogger is letting me attach a link) Let me just leave you with the URL just in case. http://artfuldelight.blogspot.com/2012/03/i-sure-do-love-giveaways.html (just copy and paste in your browser box) :-)

gorgeous card June...
that is cool that you two get to meet...but so much work with both of you moving...Yikes...hope it goes great for both of you!!!
Well... you better keep enough stuff to come to girls night at Krista's every month! lol!! I loveeeeeeeeeee June's card!! Soooooooo beautiful!!
Hopefully you will find more time for crafting after the move, Leeanne. I can barely go 1 or 2 days without going into withdrawals!! :)
such a cute card...love that pinwheel...
so pretty and happy! Love it!!!
This is SUCH a beautiful card June! :)
You definitely deserve happy! What a cute card too!
What a beautiful and lovely card, June! love the pinewheel and the colors.
Good luck with all the moving issues...
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