Let's see, leave me a comment and tell me if you were to pack your craft space, how many boxes do you think you will have. LOL!! Is 6-7 boxes filled with stuff I don't use regularly a little much?
We have to keep our moving stuff to a minimum because we are hiring a company to move our stuff. And to be able to afford it we have to get rid of......well 95% of our household belongings. Now this isn't that bad because most of our stuff is mish-mashed from Tony's house and my house prior to us getting together. So I think of this as a fresh start and I am super excited. BUT that means that I can only have approx. 30 boxes. That isn't very much when so far about 1/3 of that is my craft stuff. hahahahaha!!
Anywho, leave me a comment to enter the giveaway. I will close this giveaway on Thursday at noon.
I will be back tomorrow with another project from our Delightful Designer using our March card kit. :-)

Oh my, you're only aloud 30 boxes, that wouldn't even clear my craft room, I'm thinking :) Good Luck with the move!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I think I would have to use all 30 boxes to pack my craft stuff if that makes you feel any better! Thanks for the giveaway-maybe I could up my stuff to 31 boxes LOL!
We love your giveaways, too ;-) Thanks for a chance to win!
Well, i can tell you from experience that it took me about 10 boxes to move my craft space, and that's not counting all the furniture, shelves, plastic drawers, baskets i have to store my stuff. We moved into our house just last Summer and it was quite a job to unpack everything and reorganize my new space, but i absolutely LOVED doing it! :)
LOL!! I actually KNOW how many boxes my scrappy stuff takes, cause I just moved last year... lol!! All my stuff together took 34 boxes!!!! YIKES!!!!
I can't even imagine how many boxes it would take, lol! I'm gonna guess 10, but I'm sure that's too low. ;)
My craft space is more than just scrapbooking, I like to sew and knit too. so I could fill 30 boxes easy with fabric, yarn, and paper supplies!
If I were to make a guess, I'd have to say it would take about 30 boxes. Of those 30 though, there are at least 10 of which I really should part with as it's stuff I just don't use. I need new stuff! Thanks for the chance to win some! :)
Wow, 6-7 boxes does seem a lot, I moved recently and managed to cram it all into 4 boxes, I guess that means I need more crafty stuff :) Good luck with the move!
Hmmmm, I don't have quite that much stuff, but I would say with albums and everything else, probably about 12-15 boxes!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway Leeanne!!
yeah you don't want that moving company to take it just send it all this way...lol :) I think I would have like 5 or 6 boxes...Have fun with the move and thanks for the chance to win.
Wow, only allowed 30 boxes! That's not much if your packing up a house.
If I had to pack up my craft room I would have about 10 boxes.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
candyyoung826 at msn dot com
Yeah...I think I'm in the sadly overstocked place of having WAY too much stuff! But I guess I use it all, and when I don't, I try to pass it on to family and friends! Good luck on your condensing and moving!
After sorting, I'd have about 10 boxes. Wow! thanks for a chance to win.
6 to 7 boxes??!! Think I can beat that - and I've only been scrapping for just over a year!!! I always say - you can never have too much scrapping goodies!!! LOL! Although it does make deciding which papers, embellies, punches etc you are going to use on a project a LITTLE more difficult!!!! I can always buy more of the things I don't yet have - and have on my wish list! Today's job for me - rearranging my scrap room - before my husband completely loses the plot with me! :-) Have a great day :-) x
Best of luck with your move! I think I'd have at least 10 boxes but that is really my only vice--don't even drink soda! So, thanks for a chance to win. I'd give some to my twin sister and keep some!! :-)
30 boxes is really not enough!! When we moved, I was floored at how many boxes we needed!
I think my stash would need at least 10-12 boxes. And I only have a corner of one room!
I agree that it would probably take the entire 30 boxes just to clear pack up my craft room. And moving can be such fun. I have boxes from our last move that I have no idea what they contain. That was five years ago. One of these days I'm gonna have fun finding out what they contain.
I moved internationally a year and a half ago and at that time I had 3 kitchen sized boxes and then my 2 custom stamp shelves... but since I've been in the US with more retail options out my door my collection has grown a bit (cough cough). I think now, if I got to keep my craft desk and all the things inside it I'd need probably 10 boxes.
I think it would take about 12 boxes - depending on the size of the box. Gosh, that is a lot. Thanks for being so generous with your giveaways. You are so wise to start now in thinking of what you will take and what you will get rid of.
Hooray on the fresh start! I'd love to win a box of goodies!
I would have probably ten boxes just of my scrap stuff and then I have the cubes that would need to be packed....they could probably just be stacked in the truck though. Fun giveaway!! :)
30 boxes plus my furniture.....Congrats on your fresh start!
i'm thinking that i'm very near your number of boxes...at most i'd say 10 boxes...way too much! i'm giving it away locally :) thanks for the chance to win :)
30 boxes for sure plus my furniture. Congratulations on your fresh start.
Wow your moving. Must be an exciting time. If I had to pack up my stuff I think that I would have to use at least 15 boxes or so to get it packed. Most of those for my albums and tools. Lol. Wishing you much success in your new endevours. Thanks for the chance to win.
OMG, what a good question! Craft stuff is not light, so I would need way more than 30 boxes so I could still lift them! I'll say 45 conservatively!
Well we just moved in October and I had I believe 18 boxes for my craft space if that helps any and that was AFTER a huge purge :(
I think I am about at 15 boxes. I like to keep my stash down but I have been falling prey to so many pretty things as of late!
I had to pack my crafting space because we are finishing our basement and I needed 8 medium size boxes. I'm looking forward to my new craft space but I really dislike having my stuff in boxes. I NEED to craft!!! Hahah
Good luck packing!
I would probably have 5 boxes. I have just returned to scrapbooking so my stash is pretty low right now. Thanks for the chance to win!
This is a very scary question!! LOL How big are the boxes is the bigger question. lol. I'm going to say 27. Yep, that's my # and I'm sticking to it! Congrats on the move and organization :)
-Suzanne suzyq28024@gmail.com
Leeanne that is so not the question I want to think about... Let's just say I would have a ton! Then on top of that I keep buying stuff from you... came up with something else I have to have by the way!
I dread to think how many boxes I would need for craft stash that I don't use or am unlikely to.
Now what size boxes are we talking about here? My crafty stuff pretty much takes over the little guest room we have so I'd have to say I'd have four LARGE boxes! (Please don't enter me to win, I just thought this question was too fun to pass up!)
I have been scrapbooking for 10 years, and in that time I have accumulated alot of stuff, but it's all good stuff! I need to do a good purge here in the next few weeks and give away stuff like you that I don't use, maybe to a good cause like the local nursing home?! I think after being in the same place for a little over 2 years with my crafts room soley packed up, I would estimate probably 7-10 boxes of stuff, my question is, how large of boxes do we get to use?? LOL!!!
Oh this would be amazing to win...i've been eyeing up your card kits for a while now just wondering if i would use everything in them...it would be great to have a few samples....wow..i'm crossing my fingers..thanks so much for the chance to win...now if i packed up my room i think i would have 15 or so medium size boxes...i'm probably living in dream land but that's what i think:0)
30 boxes would never be enough for all the scrappy stuff I have accumulated over 15 years.
Good luck with your move and thanks for the chance to win!
I'm glad it's you doing the packing and not me! I can't imagine how many boxes I would need to pack my stuff! Good luck!!
Oh, I don't even want to think about ever having to pack up my craft "collection" even though I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant moving to a larger home! I digress...anyway I think it would take at least 12 LARGE boxes to safety and neatly pack away my crafty treasures! Thank your for sharing your crafty goodies with us and congrats on the move and fresh start!
You are so generous. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win some of your goodies.
I moved house one and a half years ago and it took about 15 boxes to move my craft supplies (this does not include my desk, drawers, bookshelves and shelving!!).
I know, since then, that my craft supplies have probably doubled so if I move again in the near future I am in serious trouble!
and I love your giveaways, too :-) Thanks for another chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Good luck with all the packing! My stash is rather small compared to some but I would say at least 2 boxes would do it for me. Have fun!
We are moving too! So that's something I'm going to have to think about also. I think I could get everything into about 6 or 7 boxes. Good luck with your move!
oh my...30 boxes would make me cry...that wouldn't even do one room in my house...my dear girl, that is brutal...but I guess it is a way to out with the old and in with the new at the next house...and it would sure put into perspective what you really need versus what you just want, but wow that is a big commitment...my scrapbook albums alone would fill up three to four boxes...i don't even think i could get my scrappy stuff into 30 boxes...the tools alone take up soooo much space...and stamps...ohh the stamps...good luck to you on that ;)
Thank you so much for the chance to win. I actually would only have one box full of stuff, I'm brand new at this! :)
I hate to think how many boxes it would take to pack my scrap room. Probably the 30 you are packing for your entire house.
I recently moved homes and packed 3 industrial sized moving boxs of stuff,i am nervous of the next move,movers wouldnt know where to begin with the scrapbook things:)
Yikes that's a lot of crafty goodies! I would use about 5 boxes. Good Luck
Glad you're packing up..since you're headed my way!! Let's see... I don't think 30 boxes would even hold my craft stuff... that's bad, huh? You're making me realize it's time to purge the old stuff again!!
This is a really hard question to answer! I mean, how do you envision all the paper, embellishments, ribbon, stamps/inks and tools in box form?! Well, I'm going to guess a dozen, but I hope it wouldn't really be that many. Thanks so much for this giveaway. And good luck with the purge & pack project. :-)
I know what you mean!!! When we moved I was like, "oh, I forgot about this". But luckily a friend is just starting to craft and so I am purging in her direction and she is stoked! It's so fun to share with one another! :)
I think I can fill up about 3 boxes. Seriously. I'm very discerning about what I buy because I don't have storage space and don't like to feel overwhelmed with supplies. Most of it is actually mediums like paint and ink so if I don't replace the, I could significantly reduce my stash.
I would need a lot of boxes. I do more than just paper crafting. My guess would be 50
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