December 31, 2010

End of another year

Happy New Years Eve my blogger friends. I totally meant to get this post up earlier but I got busy around the house and completely forgot. Even though the December kit is sold out, I would love to share with you one last LO using the kit. Whether it's for inspiration or just to show you how fabulous Artfuldelight's kits are, here is a LO that DT member April created.

I LOVE that tree, I am so excited to see it used. :-) For full details about this LO please visit April's blog. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Year!! I will be staying in a playing Super Mario Bros. with Tony and Nicki! :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 30, 2010

January Kit Reveal

Good Morning! Oh my 2010 is almost over, I just can't believe it! This month the reveal is a bit later than expected, mostly because of the holiday. I hope everyone enjoys it and maybe get some new subscribers! :-)

This month's kit will include:

2 sheets of American Crafts cardstock in Lavender

2 sheets of American Crafts cardstock in Leaf

2 sheets of American Crafts cardstock in Lipgloss

Little Yellow Bicycle - Cupcake Love collection - single sided

2 sheets of Lollipop Stripe with Glitter

2 sheets of Sweets Treats with Glitter

2 sheets of Candy Hearts on Pink with Foil

Little Yellow Bicycle - Cupcake Love collection - double sided

2 sheets of Mini Plaid Multi

2 sheets of Tonal Polkahearts

Embellishments (embellishments will vary per kit)

7 - Little Yellow Bicycle Epoxy Chipboard buttons - Cupcake Love collection

5 - Little Yellow Bicycle Heart Stick Pins - Cupcake Love collection

4 - Little Yellow Bicycle Flower Button Dots (Layered) - Cupcake Love collection

3 - Kaisercraft - Flower Rhinestones - Candy Lane collection

4 - Prima Flowers - Love Letter Roses in Rose Quartz

1 yard of Rose Blush ribbon from American Crafts

1 package of American Crafts Thickers - Darling in Lipgloss

1 bottle of Stickles in Lavender

5 felt cupcake embellishments

2 "love" chipboard words - Spectacular Stuff (Etsy)

2 chipboard cupcakes - Spectacular Stuff (Etsy)

4 chipboard buttons - Spectacular Stuff (Etsy)

I would like to thank Debbie for all her help on picking out most of the products for January's kit. I think it is super cute and will be very handy for cardmakers as well to make Valentine's cards. :-) January's kit will be available at Artfuldelight on January 1. You can pre-order a kit or subscribe to the 3 or 6 month subscription at any time.

Happy Crafting!!

December 29, 2010


Good Morning! I can' t believe classes start in less than 2 weeks. I sure am going to try and enjoy my time off as best I can. My daughter came home yesterday so Tony, me and Nicki played Super Mario Bros (for the Wii) last night for like 4 hours. It was great!

Anywho, I would like to announce the winner of ASC3, December's sketch challenge, winner of January's monthly kit: The winner is Me-Ma Kim from The Scrappin' and Happenin's of Me-Ma Kim.

What a CUTE LO! Thank you to everyone that played along, all the entries were fabulous and I am super happy I have to chose the winner because I wouldn't be able to pick, all of them were great!!

I will have January's sketch challenge posted on January 1st.

Happy Crafting!!

December 28, 2010


Good Morning! Super quick post, I have to get my kids ready to go to the airport and pick up my daughter! Wahoo, that week seemed so long. Today I have a super cute picture frame to share with you that DT member April created.

Isn't it cute? She used some papers from the December kit which is unfotunately sold out. :-( Hop on over to April's blog for full details about this super cute frame! I am hoping to have the January kit reveal tomorrow, cross your fingers. LOL! I will however have the winner of December's sketch to showcase. If you entered the challenge be sure to check your email, you may be the winner. :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 27, 2010

List of Fours and another giveaway

Good morning and happy Monday. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I had a great weekend. It was quiet and relaxing but I am happy for it to be over. I was so not prepared for it.

Anywho, I don't have a project to share since I was spending time with my family but I did notice when I was blog hopping over the weekend that my bloggy buddy Karen over at The Bald Dragonfly tagged me for the List of Fours so here it goes:

1. Four shows that you watch?
-The Closer
(We don't have cable so we watch all our shows on Netflix)

2. Four things you are passionate about?
-my children
-finishing college
-getting good grades in college

3. Four words/phrases you say a lot?
-get off the cat
-get your finger out of your nose
-I said no
-leave your sister alone

4. Four things you have learned in the past?
-things happen for a reason
-treat others as you want to be treated
-Communication is key to a relationship (Karen had this one too. I have learned that from some bad past relationships)
-Save your pennies (my dad chanted that since I was old enough to work and save money, I wish I would have listened, lol)

5. Four places you would like to go?
-back to Vegas

6. Four things you did yesterday?
-played Mario Bros on the Wii for 2 hours with Tony after the kids went to bed
-watched hours of Backyardigans
-changed several poopie diapers
-laundry and dishes

7. Four things you are looking forward to?
-Fall of 2012 when I get my certificate in Accounting
-my children to get just old enough to go to school and start playing sports (so ages 5,6 and 7)
-my oldest daughter to have children (I can't wait to spoil my grandbabies)
-moving out of the house I currently live in and buying a place of our own

8. Four things you love about winter?
-the smell of a burning fireplace
-the view of falling snow
-all the hot chocolate and mocha lattes I can drink
-seeing my kids play in the snow

Tag four people to play along:

April: Scrapper Forever

Courtney: Courts Crafts

Debbie: Love Lifes Little Pleasures

Catherine: Scraps of Grace

Ok, now on to the giveaway! WAHOOOO!!! First I would like to say that I have only heard back from 4 of the 6 winners from the last giveaway. If I don't hear from Darlene S and Karen aka soccerboyzmom by midnight tonight, then I will pick 2 new winners. I will also be using to chose the winner of December's sketch challenge that ends tonight at midnight EST. I have not mailed any prizes yet because I have a lot to get out and want to do it all at once.

Today's giveaway is an American Crafts Zap! Heat Gun.

That's right I will be giving at least one of these away(maybe 2). All you have to do is make sure you are a follower and make a quick blog post about it so we can spread the word. Please leave me a comment with the link to your post and/or letting me know you are or became a follower. This giveaway will end Jan 6 at midnight EST.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for an awesome project from DT member April. Oh and the January kit reveal will hopfully be on Wednesday.

Happy Crafting!!

December 22, 2010


Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! I just wanted to stop and let everyone know that I may be a bit MIA for the next couple days. If I can find som time to craft I will but with the holidays coming I'm just not sure I will be able to.

The last couple days have been crazy. I have been getting January's kit together and my daughter left yesterday for Illinois. She was supposed to leave Monday night but the weather in Illinois was so bad her flight got cancelled. It was a long day.

Tony had off on Monday and we had to leave for the airport at 3pm. We decided that since we are on break from school that we will make meals and freeze them. So Monday we decided to make some lasagnas. I made some pancake batter for the week(we put them in squeeze bottles so we can have fresh pancakes in the morning) and then I helped Tony make the pasta. Tony took apart a turkey. One we got just after Thanksgiving for like $3. It was insanely cheap, we ended up buying 3 and put them in our deep freezer.

Tony ground up some of the turkey so we can make turkey burgers and freeze them. I made chili for dinner. We then left at 3pm and headed to the airport. All seemed to go as planned. Tony stayed with the kids in the parking lot and Nicki and I made our way to the gate.
I stayed with Nicki until she boarded the plane. I headed back to the car and we started to head home. Within 45min she called and said the plane was delayed for 3 hrs and they were directed off the plane. We were already half home with some CRANKY lil kids. I toldNicki to hang out by the gate, not go anywhere and I was going to take Tony and the kids home and head back up to hang with her until her flight left. Within 15 more minutes she called and said the flight was cancelled. We turned around and immediately headed back up to the airport.

Nicki was able to get her luggage and we were able to rebook the flight for the morning. We then headed home, all together we were on the go for 6 hours. The kids were very cranky by the time we got home.

6:30am yesterday morning we were up again, getting ready and out the door by 7am to head to the airport. This time I was on my own with my kids. I have done this plenty of times but I think we all had enough. We made our way through the airport with no problems, and sent Nicki on her way.

I think we ended up spending $100 yesterday and the day before in gas, food, tolls and parking. It was ridiculous. Needless to say I am exhausted.

I LOVE the looks I get from people when they see me handling my 4 kids, I think they think I am insane. LOL! So anywho, that is what I have been up to.

December's sketch challenge will end December 27th at midnight EST! I will hopefully have January's kit reveal on the 27th. I am actually just waiting for one last item. Kits should be shipping the first part of next week. So if you would like to purchase January's kit or you are a subscriber, be on the look out at the end of the week. Feel free to send me an email if you would like to pre-order January's kit.

I am so excited that with the new year brings many sponsorships. I will be sponsoring several challenge blogs so make sure you check back often to find out where I will be next.

Happy Crafting!!

December 20, 2010

Happy Monday!

Only a couple more days until Christmas! Wahooo!! Tony will have both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, I am so excited.

Today I have a super cool LO to share with you that DT member Debbie created.

Awesome how she made the LO like a window. I absolutely LOVE this LO! Be sure to stop by Debbie's blog and leave some comments.

Today will be pretty busy, since Tony has off we are going to try and get some baking/cooking done. We decided since school keeps us pretty busy, we would like to prepare dinner and breakfast meals over the next couple weeks so we can freeze them and just pull them out and bake. Lasagna, breakfast sandwiches, enchiladas, cinnamon rolls and pot pies, just to name a few. Plus we have to take my daughter to the airport. She leaves today to spend the week in Illinois with Grandma and Grandpa (my parents). Her flight doesn't leave until 5:20 and it is an hour drive each way plus navigating through the airport.

Don't forget to submit your project for this month's sketch challenge. It ends in one week. Click the link at the top of the page to link up. :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 19, 2010


Hello all! Life has been a little crazy here. We live in a small 4 bedroom house, so my oldest daughter and my oldest son have their own room. Then my lil girl and baby boy share a room. Our living room isn't the biggest and we always have toys thrown all over the place. So the other day Tony and I decided that since all the kids do in their bedrooms is sleep, we would move all 3 in the same room and then make the 4th bedroom a play room. Fabulous idea EXCEPT now that all the kids are in the same room, NAP is non-existent. My last ounce of sanity went out the door the day we moved all the beds in the same room.

All they do is play. I mean it's nice because now they will go to bed at 7pm and I don't feel one ounce of guilt for putting them to bed so early. But most days I totally look forward to nap time, it is the one time during the day that there is no noise except for my TV. No screaming and crying.....just silence. I know it will just take some time to get used to and HOPEFULLY one day they will just play quietly. Yeah right!!!

I have some winners to announce. So from the giveaway I had going on decided to chose 6 winners, that's right SIX!!!
And here they are:

33. Karen aka soccerboyzmom
7. Debbie B.
21. Karen B.
9. Darlene S.
18. Suzy
30. Kelly Massman

Please email me your address so I can get your goodie box in the mail. I know with the holidays most of you are busy so I will give you some time to get back with me before I draw a new winner.

Thank you to everyone that participated. I will be having another giveaway very soon. Stop by tomorrow to see another LO from DT member Debbie. :-)

December 18, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Only one week away! Wow I just can't believe it. These last 2 months have just flown by.

Today I have a cute card to share with you that DT member Courtney created. I am so happy to see the Christmas Tree from December's kit put to use. :-)

So CUTE!!! I love how Courtney covered the tree with the pattern paper, LOVE it!! For full details about this card, please visit Courtney's blog!

Unfortunately December's kit is sold out but I am still sharing these lovely DT projects with you, one for inspiration and two because I still have a kit up for grabs. Just head over to Frosted Designs and check out how you can get your very own kit. :-)

Also don't forget about Artfuldelight's Sketch Challenge. It ends December 27th at midnight EST. Your prize will be January's Monthly Kit. Wahooo!! I know it's the holidays and most of you are busy getting ready. Making cards, wrapping gifts, shopping and preparing yourselves for all the fun filled family time but try to set aside a little time and get your butt in your craft room and get crafty!!! LOL! I can't wait to see all the projects. :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 16, 2010

Jolly - Cricut Card

Hello there my friends! It is just over a week until Christmas and I am almost done with my cards, WAHOOO! Should have them done today and in the mail. Yesterday was a fabulous day. Tony finished up his finals in the early part of the day so we had the evening to spend together and it was wonderful.

We decided to take our kids to see Santa. It was the first time my 3 lil ones saw him. They did very well actually. Then we ended the night with pizza, it was so pleasant. No one was screaming at dinner or running around. We laughed and talked and it was just wonderful (days don't happen like that very often, someone is usually in a cranky or obnoxious mood, lol)

Isabel didn't not seem too happy but she did sit nice without crying. Anywho, next I have a card to share that I made using my Cricut and an SVG file I purchased from I made 2 other cards using the single purchase, the Gingerbread Man and House.

So sorry for the really nasty picture, it has been super cold and super windy here in Virginia so I had to take the picture at night and the lighting was horrible.

You have until tomorrow at midnight to get in on my giveaway(s). So be sure to click here and leave a comment to enter. :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 15, 2010

Oh What Fun.... is to ride in a one horse open sllleeeiigghhhh!!!! Oh how I love Christmas!! Today I have a LO to share with you that DT member Jamie created. Now unfortunately December's kit is sold out but I would still like to share with you how totally awesome Artfuldelight's kits are. LOL! They are packed with so much goodies. :-)

Love the Merry Christmas banner, so cute!! I am a bit bummed this month sold out because I didn't get to play with the kit! :-( I do however hope everyone that got their hands on one has enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed picking the items out.

Happy Crafting!!

December 14, 2010

Sold Out

Hey there bloggy friends! I just wanted to let you know that December kit has sold out. But don't fret there is still a chance to get your hands on it, head over to Frosted Designs and enter today's challenge.

For complete details please head over to Frosted Designs. :-)

Frosted Designs Sketch Along Tuesdays 12/14 Sketch, isn' it fabulous. Now do you want a chance to win Artfuldelight's January kit? Be sure to enter our sketch challenge, click here!

Happy Crafting!!

December 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Super quick post for me today, I just wanted to stop in and share a LO with you that Debbie created using December's Monthly Kit.

Oh it is a fabulous LO, well actually all Debbie's LO's are fabulous! LOL! :-)

I LOVE that circle Die Cut paper, it is my favorite so I like how she used the whole sheet as her background paper. All the details are amazing!! I am so intimidated by layers on a LO but Debbie is always able to pull it off and make it look superb!!

Head over to Debbie's blog to get the full details and leave some comments.

Happy Crafting!!

December 12, 2010

Candy Jars

Hello my crafty friends. I am so happy to have this semester of school behind me. I think I did really well. I got an A on my Computer class final, which gave me an A for the class. So for sure I know I received an A in Math and Computer. I feel decently confident that I got an A in Accounting and I will more than likely end with a B in English. Which to me is OK.

I am looking forward to next semester but at the same time a wee bit nervous. Most of my classes this time are online. I only have one "real" class at school and then I get to tak Yoga. LOL! I just can't believe that is a class but I am pretty excited.

So today I have a project to share with you that DT member April made.

I am always looking for new ideas for gifts for my daughter's teachers. So I was super happy to see these. I may have to make something similar for Christmas. Such a cute idea. For full details about this project stop by April's blog.

Hey, do you know what happens tomorrow at noon??? Well all entries need to be in over at Frosted Designs. If you would like to get your hands on Artfuldelight's December kit then get crafty today and get your project entered by noon tomorrow. (EST)

Only 2 weeks left until Christmas! Hopefully y'all have your Christmas cards, shopping and cookie baking done. I have 11 cards made (wahoo, only 19 or so to go, lol), most of my shopping done and no cookie baking yet. I need to get busy. :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 10, 2010

Gingerbread House

Happy Friday! Today I will spend the morning at school taking some finals. YAY me! Not really, I am feeling really nervous. My Computer class final is open book but there is so much info that I am not sure I will be able to finish in 2hrs. My English final is not open book but is only worth 30 points. Plus she has some extra credit on there. The problem is currently I am teetering on an A. I have a B and depending on how I do on my last essay (my Professor just needs to grade it) and my final exam, I MAY get an A. I am not going to get my hopes up because for awhile there I would have been happy making it through the class with a C. LOL! So for me almost getting an A would be fabulous! :-)

On to today's card. It is another Christmas card that I got from the website. I purchased a file that had 3 cards in it. This is the second one, I will make the last card either today or tomorrow.

Isn't it cute? Have you ever made a project that you really liked the way it turned out but was such a pain in the rump to make that you will never make anything like it again? Well that was this card. LOL! I am not sure if it was the paper I was using to cut in the Cricut or it was the Cricut itself but you see the white part with the candy canes and the peppermint candies. Well the white part was one piece that was cut and I kid you not it took me 10+ tries to get one cut. I couldn't get the speed or the pressure right on the Cricut. It either didn't cut all the way through the paper or was too deep and started ripping the paper. Finally I compromised for a bit of both. LOL! I ended up using my Xacto knife to finish cutting some of the peices out and my trusty Tombo Mono multi glue to fix the parts that ripped a bit. IT WAS A PAIN!!! That was the only part that did that no other part on that card gave me trouble. I even bought a new blade (even though my Cricut was brand new) thinking that was the problem. Anywho, I do like the way it turned out but will not be making another one.

Happy Crafting!!

December 9, 2010

Yummy Hot Chocolate

Good Morning! Today I have a card to share with you that DT member Courtney created using December's Monthly Kit. :-)

I LOVE this card. I love the jewels on the snowflake. This card makes me want to go make myself some hot chocolate with a big pile of whip cream on top, YUMMY!! For complete details about the card stop by Courtney's blog.

I just wanted to remind everyone, if you haven't entered my giveaway, I would head there now and do so. I was getting the packageS (yes more than one, even more than 2) and I there is a ton of stuff that several people will be winning. The giveaway ends December 17th at midnight EST. Click HERE to enter!

Happy Crafting!!

December 8, 2010

Who should we decorate?

Hello crafty friends! I felt so bad for my lil man, Max. I made him a birthday cake yesterday and he had absolutely no desire to eat it. I was waiting and excited to take pictures of him eating the cake and getting chocolate frosting all over the place. He wouldn't even let me spoon feed him. He is certainly not feeling well and I hope he gets better soon.

Today I have a LO to share with you that DT member Jamie created using the December sketch and kit.

Fabulous LO! I really do love the shape of that pattern paper.

Just a couple reminders, don't forget to enter my giveaway, it ends December 17th at midnight EST. Have you entered Frosted Designs sketch challenge, ya know the one I am sponsoring (*wink*). The challenge ends December 13th at noon. And last but certainly not least don't forget the challenge here at Artfuldelight. This challenge ends December 27th at midnight EST.

One last thing, we still have one December kit left so be sure to get yours before it's too late.

Happy Crafting!!

December 7, 2010

A gift bag

Good Morning! I would first like to say Happy 1st Birthday to my lil man, Max!!! Today I have a super cute project to share with you that DT member Courtney created. For full details be sure to check out her blog or just stop by and leave her a comment.

Courtney used items from the December Monthly Kit to create this bag. That's all for today, short and sweet! :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 6, 2010

2 Cute lil men...

It is Monday and I am in the final stretch of this semester. I have my last class in Math today and I get my Accounting take home test for the final. I just can't believe it is my last week of classes. I also can't believe how fast Christmas is approaching. Yikes!

Well my Christmas present from my honey was a kitty. I have been BEGGING for one for months. I used to have cats when we met but they were indoor/outdoor cats and one day they didn't come back (well 2 of them) I was devasted. Then when we moved out of state I had to get rid of my last kitty. We have a dog and I love her but I think I am a cat person. So Tony was going to surprise me with a kitty for Christmas but over the weekend the Subaru dealer in town was paying the adoption fees. Can't beat free right? So I went down to the shelter and picked up Chuck aka Tuc. His name was Tuc but I didn't really like it.

He had been at that shelter since September 14 and I felt so bad for him. He was a 3 yr old male cat that was previously owned by an older lady that passed away. I am SO HAPPY I chose him, he is so loving and gets along great with my kids and my dog. He has totally made himself at home.
So, meet Chuck.....

Isn't he handsome? He is such a good kitty!! :-)

Now on to today's project. As usual I am in a crunch for getting my Christmas cards done. I have made a total of 5 and Ineed at least 30 so I need to get working.

Well not sure if you saw a week or so ago where I had my Cricut Expressions up for sale, well I sold it. It was about 48 hrs and I was feeling a bit sad. So I went by Joann Fabrics on Black Friday and they had a Personal Cricut, is that what they are called. The smaller version. It was on sale for $59.99, I had to have it. I LOVE IT!!! Since my craft space is rather small this machine fits perfectly.

Well I use the SCAL program and on they have some awesome SVG files. Yesterday I purchased some Christmas card files and started making some. This is what I made last night.

Aren't they cute! Not sure if you can tell in the pic, since I had to take it inside (dang it's cold and windy outside) but I added some glitter to the white part on the hat and boots. So now I have 7 cards, LOL!

Check back tomorrow, I will have a project from DT member Courtney. :-) Don't forget to enter my giveaway, it ends Decemer 17th at midnight EST.

Happy Crafting!!

December 5, 2010

Blizzard LO

Hey there fellow crafters! Today I have a LO to share with you that DT member Courtney created using the December sketch and December kit. This LO is fabulous just like what the other ladies created using the kit.

Absolutely awesome. Ya know I never really play with the kits myself, only because I just don't have much time but every time I see what the DT creates it totally makes me want to play with the kit. LOL! This month is certainly no exception. For the complete details about the LO please visit Courtney's blog.
Happy Crafting!!

December 4, 2010


Good Morning! It would seem as though when I uploaded the December kit in to Artfuldelight, I deleted the payment options. So there was no way for anyone to purchase the kit. I just wanted to let everyone know, or for those who may be interested in purchasing the kit, that I have made the correction.

Sorry if that caused any problems. We still have a few kits left so be sure to check it out. Stop by tomorrow for DT member Courtney's LO using the December kit and sketch. :-)

Happy Crafting!!

December 3, 2010

Snow Cute

Good Morning and happy Thursday. Another week about to come to an end. Christmas is going to be here before we know it. I need to get my Christmas cards done. This happened last year, I was rushing at the last minute to get them made and mailed. How ridiculous, LOL!

Anywho, today I have a LO to share with you that April created using the December Monthly kit. The more LO's I see being created with it, the more and more I LOVE it!! I can't wait to see what Jamie and Courtney create. :-)

Isn't that snowman ADORABLE??? I love how April dressed him up! :-) I hope y'all play along with this month's sketch. I hope to get some crafting in and try the sketch myself. Stop by April's blog and spread some comment love! :-)

Don't forget I still have the 40% off sale going on at Artfuldelight! Also I have a couple December kits left.

Happy Crafting!!

December 2, 2010

Super Fab projects

WOW, this is my 200th post. Not to shabby for only starting my blog 6 months ago and starting off a bit slow. :-) Today I have some great projects to share with you. I was so excited to receive an email on Monday from Catherine Oakley, the winner of the November kit, sharing pics of some fabulous cards she created using the kit she won. I asked if I could share them on my blog and she was A.O.K with it. So I will be sharing those with you as well as one last card from DT member Courtney.

These cards are all so fabulous! I am so excited to be sharing them with you today!



Aren't they all fabulous. I think Catherine's idea to give the teachers a set of cards, is fabulous! I might have to do that for my daughter's teachers. The problem is that she is in middle school so she has like 8 teachers or something, that is a lot of cards. LOL! Be sure to stop by their blogs for more details about the cards.

Courtney - Courts Crafts
Catherine - Scraps of Grace

Stop by tomorrow for a LO from DT member April, using the December Monthly Kit!

Happy Crafting!!

December 1, 2010

Dec kit, a sketch challenge, and a LO!

Oh my HAPPY DECEMBER!!! This is my most favorite time of year. I love the time I get to spend with my family. I love the decorations, the weather, all the good food! Well today the December Monthly Kit goes on sale at Artfuldelight and I would certainly make your purchase right away as there are already only 2 kits available. I also have the sketch for the December Sketch Challenge - ASC #3. PLUS I have a LO to share from DT member Debbie. I was so excited to see what the DT would create with this kit.

December Monthly Kit

This kit will include:

Echo Park Wintertime 12x12 Double Sided Paper

1 sheet Flurry
1 sheet Snow
1 sheet Berries
1 sheet Stripes
1 sheet Snowman
1 sheet Falling Snowflakes
1 sheet Red Swirls
1 sheet Blizzard
1 sheet Damask
1 sheet Frost
1 sheet Borders
1 sheet Journaling Cards
1 sheet Fancy Pants Hot Chocolate Die Cut - Flower

Additional Cardstock - Solid

1 sheet 12x12 Chocolate Cardstock from American Crafts
1 sheet 12x12 White Cardstock from American Crafts
1 sheet 8 1/2x11 Real Red Cardstock from Stampin' UP!

Accessories: (sizes of embellishments may vary per kit)

2 - American Crafts/Dear Lizzy Tradion Details (holly embellishment)
10 - American Crafts Silver Glitter Buttons
6 - American Crafts/Dear Lizzy Winter Blooms (Poinsettia embellishment)
1 package Little Yellow Bicycle Christmas Mini Banners
1 package Little Yellow Bicycle Christmas Jewel Stickers (120 pieces)
1 yard American Crafts Chocolate Ribbon
3 - Fancy Pants Tradition Journal Cards
1 bottle Stickles in Xmas Red
1 Chipboard Snowman
1 Chipboard Christmas Tree
3 Chipboard Snowflakes
1 package American Crafts Thickers - Sparkling in Cherry
7 - My Minds Eye Holly Jolly Brads
1 sheet Echo Park Wintertime collection Element Stickers
1 sheet Echo Park Wintertime collection Alpha Stickers

Plus there is a small add on kit - It will cost an additional $10
The add on kit will include:

1 Wilson Designs Snowy Wishes stamp set
1 sheet American Crafts 12x12 Chocolate Cardstock
1 sheet American Crafts 12x12 White Cardstock
1 sheet Stampin' UP! 8 1/2x11 Real Red Cardstock
1 sheet Fancy Pants Hot Chocolate Die Cut - Flower

Ok now for the December Sketch Challenge. The winner of this challenge will win January's monthly kit. Wahoo!!

Thank you Debbie for creating this sketch for us. :-) So all you have to do is create a LO or a card using this sketch and upload it in the link below for your chance to win January's kit. If you upload your project to a gallery, please use the code ASC3. The challenge will end December 27 at midnight EST. :-)

And now for Debbie's LO using the sketch and kit.

I love this LO! I think I really like the sketch because of the shape in the LO. I think it's fabulous! Debbie did a fabulous job, please stop by her blog for more details about the LO!

Would you like to get your hands on December's Monthly Kit? Head over to Frosted Designs and enter their Sketch Along Tuesdays 11/30 sketch challenge. Why you ask? Because Artfuldelight is sponsoring the challenge and you could have a chance to win this month's fabulous kit. You have until noon (EST) on December 13 to get you project uploaded. :-)

Alright my friends, that is all I have for you today. Tomorrow I will actually have some projects to share that Catherine Oakley(the winner of last months challenge) created using the kit she won. As well as another project from DT member Courtney. So you won't want to miss it, they are fabulous!!

Happy Crafting!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)